Year 6

The Grade 6’s have been very busy in the last few weeks of Term 3. They have been working hard completing their work and studying hard for their end of Term assessments. Winter sports have now ended and the Grade 6 students are now enjoying Bike Education every Thursday. In literacy, students have been working on designing and creating a children’s book to read to the Foundation students. They enjoyed writing an exposition piece about “Should technology be allowed at school?”

The Grade 6 house captains are now observing how the students line up after recess and lunch and are awarding Lining Up points to the best class. They are looking for the class that is lined up the quietest, straightest and the whole class to be lined up before the bell.

The Grade 6 class were very proud to win the Qurban campaign for raising the most money. They were rewarded with a trip to the cinema.


The grade 6 went to the cinemas with Mrs Amjed as a reward for winning the Qurban. We had raised $417.35. We were able to help so many Muslims and poor people. We were so proud of ourselves. We all went to the Village cinema and watched one of the latest movie Show dogs, the school had paid for popcorn and drinks. When the movie finished we all went outside and waited for our parents, we were all so thankful.

By Mariam El-Haouli